The source of war and dispute is the human mind. And therefore war has to be annihilated from the human mind. Suspicion, jealousy, hatred and breach of trust, stagnating or lingering in the human minds against one another can be checked or uprooted by handling them with care and understanding. It is the view of the world intelligentsia. To achieve at this aim forty four countries of the United Nations Organization got together and formed an organization in Paris on the sixth of November 1946. It is call the United Nations Education Science and Culture Organization. It helps to develop unity and harmony among the world community irrespective of their race, creed, colour or sex. They give priority to education and then go then go on to science and culture respectively.
It aims at establishing world peace through education. It also functions as an agent to help any country to improve its state of health, to yield the proper use of its natural resources, to give protection to its antiquities and also to pave the way for its people to spend their leisure hours usefully and meaningfully.
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