U. N. O. (United Nations Organization)
U. N. O. (United Nations Organization)

If man in the past practiced tolerance and loved peace no association would have been necessary to outlaw war and ensure peace. In 1918 rage of war swept over Europe, Russia and Balkans in the most destructive way that man had never experienced before. So they formed The League Nations in 1919 to enforce disarmament and settle all the international disputes by discussion instead of using force.
But The League Nations ceased to function after twenty years when the Second World War broke out in 1939. Again the war raged through seas continents making thousands of men, women and children victims of the deadly weapons. People over the world began to pray for peace and security. Representatives of fifty one nation; headed by the American President, Franklin d. Roosevelt , the British Prime Minister , Vincent Churchill and the Russian Leader, Joseph Starlin, got together and established United Nations Organization are the maintenance of international peace and security and the promotion of human welfare throughout the world. It has the power to intervene in any crisis disturbing the world peace. It is also bound to secure the human rights of all the nations in the world without any discrimination but it does not interfere in the laws and regulations of any country.

If man in the past practiced tolerance and loved peace no association would have been necessary to outlaw war and ensure peace. In 1918 rage of war swept over Europe, Russia and Balkans in the most destructive way that man had never experienced before. So they formed The League Nations in 1919 to enforce disarmament and settle all the international disputes by discussion instead of using force.
But The League Nations ceased to function after twenty years when the Second World War broke out in 1939. Again the war raged through seas continents making thousands of men, women and children victims of the deadly weapons. People over the world began to pray for peace and security. Representatives of fifty one nation; headed by the American President, Franklin d. Roosevelt , the British Prime Minister , Vincent Churchill and the Russian Leader, Joseph Starlin, got together and established United Nations Organization are the maintenance of international peace and security and the promotion of human welfare throughout the world. It has the power to intervene in any crisis disturbing the world peace. It is also bound to secure the human rights of all the nations in the world without any discrimination but it does not interfere in the laws and regulations of any country.
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