The Second World War ended leaving the children of Europe and China to suffer endlessly. They became terror-stricken orphans, maimed or severely wounded whose hopes for the future were nipped in the bud. Sympathy of the United Nations Organization was drawn upon those poor lot and they founded United Nations Children’s Fund at the first session of their meeting in order to rehabilitate them. Their immediate aim was to supply those children with food, clothing, and medical treatments.
In 1950s this association was reorganized as a permanent institution probing into the sufferings of children over the world. It is situated in New York in America. Their aim is to rescue the children in the third world countries from hunger, malnutrition, diseases and mental disorders. They pay their special attention to the physically handicapped, forsaken or neglected children. They are also concerned about the birth-rights of children. They provide funds and necessary materials to upgrade children’s education, clinical services, food and nutrition and to conduct surveys regarding child-care.
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